SDT Industrial Technology

Montag10:00 - 20:00
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Freitag10:00 - 20:00
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SDT Industrial Technology, a global leader in sustainable transportation solutions across air, land, and sea. Our focus is on revolutionizing the industry by providing unique and innovative solutions that eliminate the need for fossil fuels. At SDT, we offer the groundbreaking Combined Hybrid eVTOL Transportation System AeroTransporter-888, opening substantial opportunities for the transportation market.
With a wide range of industry sectors and transportation markets, the demand for SDT Industrial Technology is immense. Our AeroTransporter-888 represents a game-changing solution that combines cutting-edge technology, sustainability, and outstanding performance. By harnessing electric propulsion and vertical takeoff and landing capabilities, we are transforming the way people and goods are transported.
As the world embraces sustainable alternatives, our AeroTransporter-888 meets the growing demand for eco-friendly transportation.

Exciting Announcement: "SDT Achieves Unique Position with Granted Patent for Sustainable E-Mobility"


SDT Industrial Technology
Alte Landstraße 23 , 85521 Ottobrunn

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  • 85521 Ottobrunn
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