Montag7:00 - 1:00
Dienstag7:00 - 1:00
Mittwoch7:00 - 1:00
Donnerstag7:00 - 3:00
Freitag7:00 - 3:00
Samstag8:00 - 3:00
Sonntag8:00 - 1:00

Fotos und Videos

Weitere Informationen


Our Berlin House is a cornerstone of the ever-growing creative community in the Mitte district. The Bauhaus-style interiors are inspired by the Grade II listed building's storied history, and it has a screening room, Cowshed spa, a rooftop pool and The Store. Guests can stay in one of 65 bedrooms, 20 serviced apartments and four lofts.


Soho House
Torstraße 1 , 10119 Berlin

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  • 10119 Berlin
  • 27m entfernt
Online Shop,  Grafikatelier
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  • 10119 Berlin
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Massagepraxen & andere Dienstleister
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  • 10119 Berlin
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  • 10119 Berlin
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Hotel,  Restaurant
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  • Torstr. 1
  • 10119 Berlin
  • 32m entfernt
Fotograf & Fotostudio
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  • Torstr. 5
  • 10119 Berlin
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  • Torstr. 7a
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